Saturday, June 13, 2009

Google Maps: WTF ???

I've learned to despise Google Maps. Just now it cost me an evening of conversation and two hours of driving in vain.

A friend had invited me over for a cook-out. It was the first time we'd been to her house, so I looked up the address in Google maps and confirmed some of the streets with her. When I set up to print the map, Google provided a field labeled "Notes". Convenient. I inserted the friends' name and phone number, figuring if something was wrong with the map I could call. Off we went.

When we got close, I pulled out the map. Surprise surprise, it had omitted the landmarks. That's a scale issue. Well, no problem -- I'll pull out a road map. My wife informs me that for the n-th time, that she doesn't keep a map in her car. Nice. My truck has a GPS in it, but my truck is at home.

So I'll call. Wait: Google has replaced my note with a note about using Maps on my IPhone. #@$#@!#!!!! GOOGLE, I don't have an IPHone, and if you weren't going to print my #@$#@$@! note, you shouldn't have pretended with an entry field.

WTF Google?

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